St. Anne's Coupar Angus

St Anne’s Episcopal Church is situated in the small town of Coupar Angus where Christian worship can be traced back to the Twelth century and the foundations of a Cistercian Abbey still exist.
Scottish Episcopalians met in Coupar Angus as far back as 1790. Regular services were held in rooms in the town before St Anne’s Church was built in 1847. It is a pretty little church and all the windows contain stained glass and we have a fine organ which enhances our services each week.

Coupar Angus is growing in every sense. Set in the middle of our wonderful countryside, we aspire to be a cheerful and welcoming community. As a church we welcome visitors and our congregation is a happy mix of different ages. We run a Sunday School if required and every school holiday organise a Messy Church morning for local families.

15 members and friends of the ABC Mothers’ Union met for a festive lunch and bagged up 30 sets of emergency toiletries for the women’s Refuge and local hospital . The MU branch meets once a month and welcomes new members.

Last evening 15 of us gathered for a festive Pasta pamper prayer supper in St Anne's hall. Last year we used Cloth for the Cradle as a theme for our Advent meditation as we prepared ourselves for the birth of Christ at Christmas. This year we made Shelter for the Cradle - the word Sukkah (a temporary Jewish shelter) was used as a theme in our Doors Open weekend in September and Roz introduced it last evening by telling us what the word meant for her.
We had our usual glass of wine and supper followed by the construction of our individual sukkahs. Each finished shelter contained a battery candle and we finished the evening by a candle lit meditation led by Janice Cameron.

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These are some photos from the Carols in the barn - about 25 members from st Anne’s church and friends met in Roz and Chris ‘s barn for mulled wine, mince pies and carols. It was a lovely celebration of Christmas and friendship.

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St Anne’s took part in the Doors Open weekend with the construction of a Sukkah or temporary Jewish shelter and visitors were asked what shelter meant to them . Some people made their own version of a Succah and also on display were works of art contributed by a class at Coupar Angus primary school. Inside the church was an exhibition of quilts and quilt making which visitors could look at while listening to a recital on organ and oboe. About 30 visitors came over the 2 days.

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We had a successful Messy Church this morning at st Anne’s with 14 children. The theme was the seaside with story about the men who built on rock and sand.

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About 40 members and friends of St Anne’s congregation met to celebrate Pentecost with worship and lunch in a member’s barn. We were led in the singing by a praise band and Rev Janice Cameron celebrated the Eucharist. The congregation made pipe cleaner figures of joy which were placed on the altar.

Children from Coupar Angus primary school were welcomed to St Anne's on Friday and after they had seen inside the church they made chocolate nests and coloured sheets on the them Easter and New Life.

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We had a wonderful celebration of the Risen Christ at St Anne's on Sunday.

We had a Passover meal at st Anne’s last evening with traditional food of bitter herbs parsley and salt water followed by roast lamb. Janice led the prayers and the youngest member Hannah, asked the ritual questions. We made St Brigid Crosses out of paper straws. This was a meeting of the Pasta Pamper Prayer group of women who meet during the year for food, chat and worship.

An area has been opened up at the back of the church for family worship and as a meeting place, notably for coffee prior to the start of the Sunday morning service.

Taize service

Prayer Station for a Taize Service