St. Catharine's Blairgowrie

Our congregation is a blend of those with an Anglican background and those from other traditions attracted by the friendly welcome they have received here. Our regular Sunday service is a sung Eucharist service at 09:30 am attended by 25-40 people. Our congregation are involved in reading scripture, leading intercessions, as welcomers and stewards and arranging church flowers. Refreshments are served in St Catharine’s Centre after the service.
We also have a small congregation that meet every Wednesday at 10:30 for midweek communion.

St Catharine's has a Lent and Advent Bible study or discussion group attended by 6-10 people. We have had a Sunday school in the past and have a volunteer to lead children’s ministry when the opportunity arises.
There is the opportunity for them to make a prayer request if they wish.

Many members take an active part in various joint initiatives that support both the local and international community. We have in the past put together "an 'Exploring Faith' exhibition" in the High St, organised a charity shop for Christian Aid and raised money for Mary’s Meals. We are keen to identify new outreach opportunities.